Links & Credits

Links of Interest

Handbell Musicians of America, Area 1
Handbell Musicians of America National Website
West Chelmsford United Methodist Church, N. Chelmsford, MA
Jeffers Handbell Supply

Other Community Handbell Ensembles

Back Bay Ringers, Boston
Granite State Ringers, New Hampshire
Hockanum Valley Ringers, Connecticut
New England Ringers, Massachusetts
Northern Bronze Ringers, Vermont
Penobscot Bay Ringers, Maine
Shoreline Ringers, Connecticut

Handbell Musicians of America

Handbell Musicians LogoHandbell Musicians of America (also known as American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc., AGEHR, or The Guild) was established in 1954 to promote the unique art of ringing tunes on handbells. The Guild is a national association that began in Boston in 1938 as the New England Guild of English Handbell Ringers. Within the national organization, the New England states are now known as “Area 1.”

The Guild’s primary objective is to promote the exchange of ideas as they relate to handbell ringing, thereby “Uniting People Through a Musical Art.” The National office holds events bringing ringers and directors together from all over the world, while Area events fulfill regional needs through group participation in Guild events and through the individual service of many of our ringers who serve Area 1 and the national organization.


Photos by various members of Merrimack Valley Ringers, unless otherwise noted. Our “Favorite Places” photos have been taken from their respective websites.

Audio selection on the home page is entitled “Gaudeamus,” an original composition by Arnold Sherman. Copyright © 1995. Published by Agape (A Division of Hope Publishing Company), Carol Stream, IL 60188, From MVR’s 2008 CD, “Kaleidoscope.”

Video selection on the home page is of the song “Wizards in Winter,” by Paul O’Neill and Robert Hinkel, arranged by Rima Greer and Tim Waugh. Copyright © 2006. Published by Above the Line Publishing Recorded at First Church Congregational, Marlborough, MA.